PieceJSON Keys



JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateConstraints / Notes
titletitleObjectConstraint: 30 characters or fewer.
Note: Piece title. Can be set separately for different languages. English title is required. Give users a good idea of your Piece with an easy-to-understand name.
Note: Piece description. Can be set separately for different languages. English description is required. Users will see this description. What does your Piece do? Let the user know, and be sure to include any restrictions or special notes. There are some rules on making a description to be referred.
vendorIdstring×Constraint: ID number assigned when registering as a Vendor who will create PieceCore using the SDK.
Note: The ID of the vendor or vendors which can use your Piece. If you want the Piece to be available to all vendors, please enter "none".
deviceIdstring×Constraint: ID number assigned when registering a Device that will run your PieceCore using the Riiiver SDK.
Note: The ID of the device or devices which can use your Piece. If you want the Piece to be available on all devices for your selected vendors, please enter "none".
categoryIdsarray×Constraint: Choose 1 or 2 of the categories included on the master list.
Note: This ID will place your Piece in the Riiiver category that you believe best fits its function.
osTypestring×Constraint: Choose 1 of either: "iOS", "Android", or "none".
Note: Specify the type of smartphone OS that is able to control your Piece. If all devices are supported, select "none".
versionstringConstraint: Set 1.0.0 as your first version. Increment upwards when you update your Piece. Major/Minor updates are defined by you.
Note: Piece Version.
sdkVersionstringConstraint: Choose from a list of public Riiiver SDK release versions.
Note: Choose the minimum SDK version needed to operate your Piece. If not dependent on the Riiiver SDK, select 1.0.0.
blockTypestring×Constraint: Choose 1 Piece type: "trigger", "service", or "action".
Note: Specify whether your Piece will operate as a T (Trigger), S (Service), or A (Action) Piece.
executorstring×Note: The class (module) name of the client app that actually runs the Piece.
permissionListobject××Note: Permission list of items on the user’s device that they will need to grant your Piece access to in order for it to operate.
×Note: Settings to be set or selected by the User. Piece operation will vary based on these user specifications.
inputinputObject×Constraint: Only 1 input can be specified.
Note: Specify the type, format, etc. of data that your Piece can receive as input. This information is received from the previous Piece or the device.
outputoutputObject×Constraint: Only 1 output can be specified.
Note: Specify the type, format, etc. of the date your Piece outputs. Your output will be sent to the next Piece or device.
××Note: Please include PieceCore specifications here when making Pieces that utilize a service proxy. If specifications are needed but not included here, the PieceCore will not be able to execute properly.
pieceCapabilitystring×Constraint : Choose 1 of either : "notUse", "background" or "alwaysOnBackground".
Note : A key representing whether using the location information when the app is on the background.
"notUse": no background operation.
"background": Temporary use the location information even if app is the background when the Piece is executed (e.g. weather forecast for the current location).
"alwaysOnBackground": Continuously use the location information even if app is the background (e.g. area trigger)
personalInfoListpersonalInfoList×Note : Make a description when using external services. If there is no description, our Riiiver support team may contact you.


JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateNotes
enstringThe English title of the Piece
jastring×The Japanese title of the Piece
itstring×The Italian title of the Piece
frstring×The French title of the Piece
esstring×The Spanish title of the Piece
destring×The German title of the Piece
pt-PTstring×The Portuguese title of the Piece
zh-Hansstring×The simplified Chinese title of the Piece
zh-Hantstring×The traditional Chinese title of the Piece


There are some rules on making a description to be referred.

JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateNotes
enstringThe English description of the Piece
jastring×The Japanese description of the Piece
itstring×The Italian description of the Piece
frstring×The French description of the Piece
esstring×The Spanish description of the Piece
destring×The German description of the Piece
pt-PTstring×The Portuguese description of the Piece
zh-Hansstring×The simplified Chinese description of the Piece
zh-Hantstring×The traditional Chinese description of the Piece


JSON KeyTypeReq.Constraints / Notes
"location": Specify when accessing location information from the user's smartphone. Choose from among: "location_normal", "location_rough", "location_accurate", or simply "location".
"mediaLibrary": Must be specified when accessing device (smartphone) media libraries.
"notification": Specify when accessing the notification on the user’s device.
Note: Permissions required when the user has an iOS device.
"location": Specify when accessing location information from the user's smartphone. Choose from among: "location_normal", "location_rough", "location_accurate", or simply "location".
"mediaLibrary": Must be specified when accessing device (smartphone) media libraries.
"notification": Specify when accessing the notification on the user’s device.
Note: Permissions required when the user has an Android device.


Note: JSON Keys that start with "--" indicate that they are located two levels below the previous JSON Key. For instance, the "--type" donation could be used in the following case:

"properties": {
   "cityName": {          // Key that a developer sets as a name. 
      "type": "string",   // This level is "--type" from a "properties" point of view, .
      "x-description": {
        "en": "Set the location from which to get temperature data.",
        "ja": "気温を取得する地域を指定します。"

In the following table, "--type", "-- format", "-- x-unit", and "-- default" all exist at the same level, two steps down the "properties" hierarchy:

JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateConstraints / Notes
typestring×Constraint: Must be specified as an "object".
Note: JSON schema type.
propertiesobject×Note: Preference you can name at your discretion for data reference.
-- typestring×Constraint: Choose 1 from the below list: "boolean", "number","string", "array".
Note: Set preference data type.
-- maximumnumber××Note: Use with Pieces that have text data input to set the "maximum" possible input limited.
×Constraint: Must be specified as "minimum","maximum","multipleOf"
Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the maximum possible number value. enum overrides "maximum" if enum is set.
-- minimumnumber×Constraint: Must be specified as "minimum","maximum","multipleOf"
Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the minimum possible number value. enum overrides "minimum" if enum is set.
-- multipleOfnumber×Constraint: Must be specified as "minimum","maximum","multipleOf"
Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the interval number value. enum overrides "multipleOf" if enum is set.
-- enumEnum××Note: Specify when you want to limit the value set in the Preferences. Please note there are unavailable characters.
Unavailable characters: (space),',",<,>,`
-- x-enum-titlesobject×Note: Used when specifying a name easy to identify for the values you have set in the enum preferences. For example, names such as “Steve”, “Mark”, and so on, in place of their raw data id (data_001, data_002, and so on).
-- x-titletitleObjectNote: The title of the value to be set by the user in the Preferences.
-- x-descriptiondescription
Note: The description of the value to be set in the Preferences.
-- x-input-typestringConstraint: Choose a Preference type: "drumroll", "calendar", "slider", "radio", "map", "text", "textarea", "switch", "time".
-- defaultobject××Constraint: Should match the set value type.
Note: Default value set in the Preferences, i.e, the value that will be used if the Riiiver user does not make any adjustments.
-- x-hiddenboolean×Constraint: true: non-display, false: display
Note: Preference display settings. Default: true
-- x-optionalboolean×Constraint : true: Specify when the value is optional, false: Specify when the value is required.
Note : Use to set items in the Preference to either optional or required. The value will be required when this key is not specified.
x-field-orderarray×Note: Specify the order in which the items defined under properties are displayed to the user.

† Making modifications to x-input-type that would expand or change the nature of the --type of data to be retrieved is not possible. For example, when a "drumroll" x-input-type is used to retrieve number data, you cannot revise to a "switch" method that would produce "boolean" data instead, because this does not match the --type of data sought by the Piece.


JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateConstraints / Notes
typestring×Constraint: Must be specified as an "object".
Note: The type of the JSON Schema.
propertiesobject×Note: Field you can name at your discretion for data reference.
-- typestring×Constraint: Choose 1 from the below list: "boolean", "number", "string","object",array.
Note: Set input data type.
-- x-titletitleObject×Note: The title of the input data.
-- x-descriptiondescription
×Note: The description of the input data.
-- formatstringstring
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: Additional, required information that only applies to Pieces which accept string data as input.
-- x-unitstring××Note: Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the unit measurement of the number. If no unit needs to be specified, this does not need to be set.
-- minimumnumbernumber
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the minimum possible number value. Select a value between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000 which is lower than the maximum value. Required setting for number input.
-- maximumnumbernumber
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the maximum possible number value. Select a value between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000 which is higher than the minimum value. Required setting for number input.


JSON KeyTypeReq.UpdateConstraints / Notes
typestring×Constraint: Must be specified as an "object".The type of the JSON Schema.
propertiesobject×Note: Field you can name at your discretion for data reference.
-- typestring×Constraint: Choose 1 from the below list:: "boolean", "number", "string","object","array".
Note: Set output data type.
-- x-titletitleObject×Note: The title of the output data.
-- x-descriptiondescription
×Note: The description of the output data.
-- formatstringstring
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: Additional, required information that only applies to Pieces which output string data.
-- x-unitstring××Note: Use with Pieces that output number data to set the unit measurement of the number. If no unit needs to be specified, this does not need to be set.
-- minimumnumbernumber
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the minimum possible number value. Select a value between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000 which is lower than the maximum value. Required setting for number input.
-- maximumnumbernumber
type: ○
Other: ×
×Note: --type detail. Use with Pieces that have number data input to set the maximum possible number value. Select a value between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000 which is higher than the minimum value. Required setting for number input.


JSON KeyTypeReq.Constraints / Notes
servicestringNote: The name of the ServiceProxyCore to be used on Lambda.
parametersarray×Constraint: "location": Specify when accessing location information from the user's smartphone.
Note: Required if you need device location information in order to execute the ProxyCore.
authTypearray×Constraint: You can choose a type from the list below: "apiKey", "oauth2", "other" Note that the RiiiverSDK only supports "OAuth2" for authentication. When processing via any method other than "OAuth2", you will need to implement the authentication process independently on your app side.
Note: Specify when using an external service in ProxyCore that requires authorization. Specify the authentication process type.


For more detailed description, click here.

JSON KeyTypeReq.Constraints / Notes
descriptiondescriptionObjectDescribe how to use personal information.
privacyPolicyprivacyPolicyObjectMake a description on the Privacy Policy and its URL of the external service used for the Piece.
serviceCompanyNamestringPut the name of the external service provider.
typeListtypeListObjectConstraint : typeListObject must be Array type.
Note : Specify the type of personal information to be used.

JSON KeyTypeReq.Constraints / Notes
labeldescriptionObjectNote : Set a label for Privacy Policy of the external service. Write the statement as follows.
Japanese: "プライバシーポリシーはこちら",
English: "Link to the privacy policy"
urldescriptionObjectNote : Put the URL of the Privacy Policy.

JSON KeyTypeReq.Constraints / Notes
descriptiondescriptionObjectDescribe the purpose of using the personal information.
typestringConstraint : Choose 1 of either: location, vital, id, demographic, userLog, diagnose.
Note : Specify a type of the personal information.

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