Statement of the use of personal information on the PieceJSON
When you create a Piece, you will have to put a statement on the personal information that the Piece uses. For example, using an external API, if the Piece receives the information on the chance of rain based on the location information of the user or the user’s device, the “the location information of the user or the user’s device” will be regarded as the personal information. When creating such a Piece, you have to put notes on the PieceJSON file stating that the Piece uses the personal information of its user.
This statement will appear on the page that the user has to accept to download the iiidea, which states that the user’s personal information may be used by the external service provider. The user will download the iiidea after accepting that his or her personal information may be used by the Piece to be downloaded.

A sample of personal information
Following is an example of how to write a statement on the PieceJSON when you create a Piece that will use the user’s personal information (a Service Piece that receives the information on the chance of rain based on the location information of the user or the user’s device). Refer to it as a format to be used in the PieceJSON when you actually create a Piece. For your information, when you create a Piece using PieceJSON Generator, we have templates for the statement to be used corresponding to the types of personal information used in the Piece. Please also refer to them.
{ "blockType": "service", "title": { "en": "Chance of Rain", "ja": "降水確率" }, "description": { "en": "~~What is this Piece?~~\nCheck on the chance of rain today, with the probability delivered in 3 hour increments starting from the current time. This information is passed to the next Piece.\n\n~~How do I use it?~~\nSet the location for which you want to know the forecast in the iiidea settings after downloading the iiidea.\n\n ~~Notes~~\n\n\n\n", "ja": "【どんなPiece?】\n現在時刻から3時間ごとの降水確率を調べ、調べた結果をメッセージで次のPieceに渡します。\n\n【どうやって使うの?】\n降水確率を知りたい場所を指定してください。\n\n 【ご注意!】\n\n\n" }, "version": "0.0.1", "sdkVersion": "1.5.0", "deviceId": "none", "vendorId": "CITIZEN", "executor": "RBCCommonWebServiceExecutor", "osType": "none", "categoryIds": [ "cat_0001", "cat_0002" ], "permissionList": { "ios": [ "location" ], "android": [ "location" ] }, "serviceProxy": { "service": "chanceOfRain", "parameters": [ "location_normal" ], "x-location-default": [ 35.681412523603704, 139.767173069367 ] }, "pieceCapability": "background", "personalInfoList": [ { "description": { "en": "Send location information entered into the iiidea settings to our weather service provider in order to get weather data relevant to you.", "ja": "位置情報を、天気情報の取得のために使用します。" }, "privacyPolicy": { "label": { "en": "Link to the privacy policy", "ja": "プライバシーポリシーはこちら" }, "url": { "en": "https://www....",//Please write the privacy policy link URL of the company that you used the API. "ja": "https://www...." //ここに利用するAPIを提供する会社のプライバシーポリシーリンクURLを記載してください。 } }, "serviceCompanyName": "***** LTD",//Write the name of the external service provider in English. "typeList": [ { "description": { "en": "We ask for access to your location to get weather information specific to where you are.",//Please write the purpose of using personal information. "ja": "iiideaで設定した位置情報を、天気情報の取得のために使用します。"//個人情報を利用する目的を記載してください。 }, "type": "location" } ] } ], "output": { "type": "object", "properties": { "result": { "type": "string", "format": "text" } } } }
Description of items written on the PieceJSON
An array that collects and clusters the information by the services provided by the internal or external services. By putting personalInfoList, the following screen will be created.

- description ※1
- Write a purpose of using the personal information in the Piece both in English (en) and Japanese (ja).
- privacyPolicy-label ※2
- Write the statement as follows. Japanese: “プライバシーポリシーはこちら”, English: “Link to the privacy policy"
- privacyPolicy-url
- Put the URL that links to the statement of the external service’s privacy policy.
- serviceCompanyname ※3
- Write the name of the external service provider in English.
An array that collects and clusters the information by the type of personal information to be used.
- description ※4
- Write a purpose of using the personal information both in English (en) and Japanese (ja).
- type ※5
- Classify the personal information into the six categories below.

- location
- vital
- id
- demographic
- userLog
- diagnose
Information that you should deal with as personal information
- Identifiers;
- Protected characteristics;
- Commercial information;
- Biometric information;
- Geolocation data;
- Internet or other electronic network activity information;
- Financial, medical, or health information;
- Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information;
- Professional information; and
- Communications.
- Note
- At the review of the Piece, Riiiver operation official may contact you to advise correction or addition of the created statement related to the personal information when you create a Piece that will use information related to the personal information.