Preparing to use Riiiver SDK

Download SDK and the sample app project

Download and unzip the sample app project from this URL. or contains RiiiverSDK and the sample app project

Prepare necessary libraries for Riiiver SDK

To use the Riiiver SDK, the following Framework/Library is required.

// start iOS

  • Riiiver SDK – The main body for the sample app illustrating Riiiver SDK
  • Realm - The data required inside the SDK is stored using Realm.

CocoaPods are used for Framework management. †Riiiver SDK itself is also downloaded by using CocoaPods. Install CocoaPods and prepare to use the actual Framework required.


* Riiiver SDK – The main body for the sample app illustrating Riiiver SDK
* [Realm]( - The data required inside the SDK is stored using Realm.
CocoaPods are used for Framework management. †Riiiver SDK itself is also downloaded by using CocoaPods. Install CocoaPods and prepare to use the actual Framework required.

* Riiiver SDK – The main body for the sample app illustrating Riiiver SDK
* [Realm]( - The data required inside the SDK is stored using Realm.

Install CocoaPods

As described on the official website, type the following command in Terminal to install it on your Mac.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Create workspace with CocoaPods

Navigate to the root folder of the sample app project that you unzipped in Terminal. The sample app project will be unzipped and extracted into a folder named RiiiverSDKSample-iOS.

$ cd YourWorkspace/RiiiverSDKSample-iOS

The sample app project is already configured to use the required framework with CocoaPods. Enter the following command to build the Xcode workspace.

$ pod install

Once the installation is completed with the pod command, the following files and folders will be added.

  • Podfile.lock
  • Pods
  • sample.xcworkspace

It is now ready to build the sample app.

After preparing the environment with CocoaPods, when opening this sample app project in Xcode, open the sample.xcworkspace file instead of the sample.xcodeproj file.

Build the sample app


Open the **sample.xcworkspace** file.
Signing is required when building. Set up according to your environment.
By only setting up Signing, the operation of the sample code can be checked without any other environment settings.
Once the appropriate Signing is set up, build the app by connecting an iPhone.

Open the sample folder in AndroidStudio.
Once the necessary information is loaded, it is ready to check the operation.
Currently, only debugging on a physical Android device, or iPhone, is supported.
Build the app by connecting an Android device.

That’s all for the work here if you could build the app. At this stage, it is not yet possible to run the app and connect it to Riiiver. In the next chapter, you will sign up as a developer and then register your application and devices that’ll be connected to Riiiver. Once these registrations are completed, the sample app can be executed.

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