“2020” Topics (3)

"Using the PieceJSON Generator" Documentation Added


We've recently added documentation on how to use our exciting new in-browser development tool, which we call the "PieceJSON Generator."

Learn how to use the PieceJSON Generator to help you develop and debug Riiiver Pieces by following our sample example, which walks you through the creation of a simple Piece simulating a dice roll.

Piece Dev just got that much easier, so definitely check it out!

Piece List page now available


As one of the reference documents for the development of Pieces, we have added the Piece list page.
This enables you to check the input/output etc. of the Piece that has already been released, please use it for designing the Piece you develop.

Announcing our updated website


We’ve revamped the Riiiver Developers website!

In Riiiver, functions are called “iiidea,” and are made up of three types of Pieces: T (trigger), S (service), and A (action). Developers with specialized knowledge (such as programming), can even create Pieces themselves. Riiiver is a service where users can be developers, and developers can be users. Pieces you create will be used by different users, who might come up with new uses and possibilities that you hadn’t previously thought of.

On this website, tools – such as documentation and tutorials – that are useful for development, have been provided to minimize the time and work resources required to make Pieces. Please feel free to use these during development.